
this is the start of a collection of photographs that i took on a recent trip to ellis island. with the permission of a very nice park ranger by the name of brian feeney, myself and the other people i was with were allowed to tour and photograph the unrestored parts of the island that are not generally open to the public. the experience was amazing.

i will be adding pictures to this portfolio in spurts; that is, as soon as i get them printed and scanned and so forth (logically).

updated: 1.10.00

Filing Cabinets

Chair Deemed Acceptable for Interrogation

Outer Architecture

Radiator and Sink in Public Bathroom

Fire Hose Wheel

Door for Solitary Confinement in Sick Wards

Lack of Shadows

Abstraction of a File Cabinet

Chairs in a Small Room


Broken Doorway in a Small Room

(Almost) Empty Room with a Broken Chair

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